13 November, 2013

[W.I.P] Melling Hellcat

When my PC recovered, I have nothing to do on it. What I do? Open Zmod, and search which car I'd like to do. Melling Hellcat - one of the fastest cars in the world (J2 speedometer - 280km/h. WAT?) which was made by MadDriver loooots of time ago. Now I try to do that car in better quality, BY YOURSELF, not to compete, just for fun.


Melling is finished in nearly 80%. Hood wouldn't be black, although I found nice British flag skin (THIS), now I'm waiting till Eryniu13 do rest of the skin. He's Paint-Master, I don't
Hardest thing now is making other rims for front and rear


  1. Mam nadzieje że dasz mu w standardzie jakiś porządny Heandling: 99999999999mph/s Vmax i 9999999999mph/s na 90 stopni zakręt

    1. Według Juiceda Drugiego to auto ma w budziku 170 MPHów, więc przydasz mi się do tekstur.
      Budzik do przeskalowania

      Paintjob do obróbki - Uwago DUŻE!!!
